Thursday, March 20, 2014


A Doctor recent visit of mine, took one look at me and without knowing that my wife almost passed 4 weeks ago or that I have Sarcoma Cancer, Painful Left arm Nerve Neuropathy, 3 Heart Stents, Prinzmetal Angina & Heart Disease, #2 Diabetes, a slipped hernia, 20 polyps of the Cancerous type just removed, plus an enlarged prostrate.
This doctor who was just supposed to co-ordinate my future medical needs so I would have just one point of help instead of 10 Specialists.
His first words that he spoke was that I was Obese, yes this is true but I did quit smoking and the 20 meds that I take daily do not help much keeping trim either. This Doctor has a side line that works with people who require Bariatric or Gastric bypass surgery but as I was not there for this.
I asked him; were you ever in the Canadian Armed Forces or Cadets, even Scouts and he said “NO” but I said; that I was in the first and second.
Did he ever go to Africa at his own expense and with the help of GOD to assist in the building of a Computer Lab in a High School in Bhekulwandle South Africa?
Or anything, he said NO.
Did he ever go to the Gulf of Mexico and assisted in recovery work for 70 Hurricane Katrina ravaged homes again with GOD’s help and at his own expense? He again responded “NO”.
Has he taken the time that is needed with nightly/weekly communications to assist 407 Parents of Missing Children for the last 24 years?
Again, he stated “NO”; so I then enquired what right does he have to criticize me
when his high metabolism body has never been obese or as far as I see, never left this city?
So I left his office, slamming the door. As I do forgive him but I do not have to sit or deal with him and People, Doctors can be fired!
by Richard 
P.S. I have only 2 Doctors whom I actually trust. 
Again I am back with me advocating for me. I have also asked for a second Cardiologist to look me over as every time that I went to the last one.  
He would send me to his thallium test company and find nothing, then I would end up with another stent when an angiogram is the only true indicator. 
My Cancer Pain company of Doctors forgot about me since last Sept, so I have to get after them back at the Tom Baker Pain Center, to acquire pain relief? 
You have to be your own saviour at times, or they will forget about you, or unless you are blessed with a good Dr. advocate!
Then you will be OK cause usually they actually care. 
P.S.S.  By the ways all these pills remind me of this song;

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