Thursday, January 24, 2013


A new word for the 21st Century, 
well maybe in the last year or so.
Even I find this word Groovy but I digress as I am a dated surviving Hippy type who is now older then The President of the United States and they used to be always so much older than I!!!!
Hey, I am not supposed to talk about what ails me but my Wife is very ill, my puppy dogs were sick all last night, so I slept not a wink. A few neighbours and friends that I know suffer from the Big “C”. We live in a whole World of Hurt and Pain that would take only GOD to repair as we fail every time when we try!!!
REALLY”? Can you find the strength to share your kindness from your heart, with others even the undeserving? I am saying can you forgive them, I am not saying that you have to hangout or be one of them. Just forgive them and Love them just as we have been commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ on through the Holy Spirit and our Father God in heaven.
Written by Sir Richard…
Music by the Irish group The Corrs…
Sent to you all with LOVE that I believe and am commanded to share!

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