In the midst of this, brave souls who have also, stood their ground.
Displaying bravery, as the Hero's of which they are.
Reaching people in need, near and far.
Evil works not through, the dreamed up catalyst of monster lore.
Evil usually, has 2 legs and walks right through your front door.
Man and women equally, if your keeping score, it matters not.
Of who is used for Evil purpose, from this lot.
Now back. to whom I consider God's chosen, that is why I am talking.
About the people who have experienced the nightmare of Evil in their lives,
no mistaking!
These Hero's, who through their own pain, tears, and gut wrench of loss.
Now use their horror of the past,
to help some of us.
Today I still see Evil all around.
In the midst of this, I know brave souls who have also, stood their ground.
Balancing the teeter totter of life, against Evil's ways.
For thankfully, these Hero's amongst us, I know of HOPE
and that Evil can not win every Day!
To my Friends & Hero's, I Thank You.
A poorly written poem of gratitude from,
Sir Richard...
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