This may be of interest to you or maybe not, for I believe that this may be true for some of us who call ourselves, “Christian”.
For the real tragedy these days, is that there are many Christians who do not even relate to unbelievers unless they absolutely have too...
For we don’t need to WITNESS more, we need to RELATE more, so that our WITNESSING WILL MEAN MORE! Because if we want WHAT WE WITNESS to be truly more, then we need to be in places, where we REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Again, this can start with the next PERSON/HOME anywhere from where you are right now, or whom you are soon to meet.
Being too entrenched in a Christian subculture can actually be VERY detrimental to us. The more time we spend with only believers, the less time that we are in the company of non-Christians. Some Christians act as if they have to endure non-Christians in their lives, implying that the less they have to be around them, the better? Thoughts like these are truly very sad!
So we may tell our story to people who don’t want to hear it and didn’t even ask. Even if they don’t mind hearing it, there may be no context to our story. Because, from their own POINT OF VIEW our story may be not relatable to their lives? Hence, we continue to be strangers to each other.
I’ve sensed from some, that if it were possible to be surrounded by ONLY CHRISTIANS all of the time, that this would be the most desirable. Desirable for some, perhaps, for simple safety and comfort, but not for sharing “HIS LOVE” with anyone else!
This example of “A REAL TRAGEDY” is from,
Sir Richard… Who said this to you all with “LOVE” and also all, which heaven will allow!