I watch from my window.
Things that happen beyond.
Behind the dirt, glass and screen.
Out there I truly long,
To be, and trapped no more.
Inside, behind my window.
With the whole world waiting.
For me, and all it has in store,
I have to yet make my mind up though.
It just takes standing up, walking to.
The turn of a door, a few short steps.
Then I am Free, finally other side of My Window.
FALSELY USED CHILD ABDUCTION LEADS TO = the misleading/misuse of resources to Help Find Missing Children who are actually MISSING. Followed by in Caylee Marie Anthony’s case, the denigration of EVIDENCE, along with disrespect of this Child’s remains’, so that the TRUE MURDERER GOES FREE in my opinion. May God take care of little Caylee and give strength to the family and all of us who actually do Care! Sincerely and with Love to all our Missing and Murdered Family Members – from Sir Richard… http://bayo-hunter.blogspot.com/ song Concrete Angel by Martina McBride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtNYA4pAGjI
I HEARD ANGEL WINGS YESTERDAY! http://www.youtube.com/v/M5rVgxmekeM?version=3&%3Bhl=en_US&%3Brel=0 Really, I was on the couch watching some TV during a chore break and I heard the fluttering of wings. First thought, the Lord has sent one of His angels to bring me home?? Turns out, it was a little bird behind the couch that flew into our home and was trying to leave through our front window. Bird and myself are both OK :) With Love and all that heaven will allow, from Sir Richard http://bayo-hunter.blogspot.com
Richard Abbenbroek Volunteers At:
Centre Street Church, Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC, Samaritans Purse Canada, RCACS, The Hanger, Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE
May 1989 – December 2013 (24 years 8 months) Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC
Assisted 408 Parents in the recovery of their Missing Children, through Child Find Alberta (1989 – 2008) and Team Hope of the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (2003-2013).
Helped build a Computer Lab at the High School in KwaZulu-Natal Province, Bhekulwandle South Africa.
Centre Street Church Mission
Went to the Gulf of Mexico and assisted in the recovery of 70 Hurricane Katrina ravaged homes with Samaritans Purse Canada.
Also a Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplain
RCACS ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADET SQUADRON’S 604, 52, 781, 538 Voluteer and Parent Advisory Commitees.
The Hanger – As a Guide and Greeter, Air Show Events.
Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE: Currently helping young female singers reach their goals as professional acts and for Free.
Sir Richard/Mzikayifani (My Zulu name for homesteads are different)
With Love and all that heaven will allow!