COURAGEOUS BATTLE WITH CANCER! Please note my family (WHICH IS ALL OF YOU), that I request that you do not ever add this to my epitaph. As I have CANCER and there is nothing Courageous about it at all! It’s like hair, either you have some or not! There is not much you can do as you are just here for the ride anyway. “Courageous Battle With Cancer”, is something probably a Hospital, Hospice or Mortuary would come up with. Only after all the crap (enough to kill a heard of Elephants), that they gave you did not produce the results that they wanted. Then as you smiled to your last, it was duly noted in some file that you “Passed On” only after your “Courageous Battle With Cancer”. Really! – With Love from Sir Richard…
CANCER - LEST WE FORGET = REMEMBER As in most Wars, it is the wounded who are rarely mentioned, as they are the longest direct casualties of War and its suffering. The dead of the conflict are usually remembered forever, as they should be for they have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
As I sat last week in the Tom Baker Cancer Center I knew that I was part of the wounded from our last Great War. That War was “The Cold War” where a thousand plus Nuclear Weapons have been detonated all over this planet since 1945.
Contaminating our precious Earth Biosphere, so that many have died and are dying of to this day and beyond of Cancer. We wounded Fighters of Cancer who like myself, are victims of this most insidious of our recent Wars!
World War 3 we already fought it = Worldwide Effects of Fallout Allowing for uncertainties about the dynamics of a possible nuclear war, radiation-induced cancers and genetic damage together over 30 years are estimated to range from 1.5 to 30 million for the world population as a whole. This would mean one additional case for every 100 to 3,000 people or about 1/2 percent to 15 percent of the estimated peacetime cancer death rate in developed countries.
CATALOG OF WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR TESTING United States of America (1032 nuclear tests)
Soviet Union (715 nuclear tests)
Great Britain (45 nuclear tests)
French Republic (210 nuclear tests)
People's Republic of China (47 nuclear tests)
INDIA (6 nuclear tests)
PAKISTAN (6 nuclear tests)
WHAT HOPE FEELS LIKE = Hope is the motivation that we know from the time of our creation, On through the growing pains of our families. From the present day, toward the end of our own individual destinies. Each of us waits eagerly for the Hope, of what each day brings, And with one or another, we all wait with Hope. No gift is greater than to give the gift of Hope! Without giving another Hope, what is seen is no Hope at all. Who Hopes for what they already have? If we Hope for what others Hope for and wait with them patiently with Hope. Then and only then, will we know "WHAT HOPE FEELS LIKE". Remember, to NEVER give up HOPE! Written by Sir Richard Abbenbroek...A Victim Of Cancer - Fighting!!
Or Not, or if you still have it and are like me & fighting on, cause; "The only time I feel the pain, Is in the sunshine or the rain, And I don't feel no hurt at all, Unless you count when teardrops fall, I tell the truth 'cept when I lie, And it only hurts me when I cry!" "Oh maybe every now and then, I have a small heartache again, You wouldn't know to look at me, There's tiny scars that you can't see, It was a struggle to survive, I'm probably lucky I'm alive!"
Richard Abbenbroek Volunteers At:
Centre Street Church, Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC, Samaritans Purse Canada, RCACS, The Hanger, Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE
May 1989 – December 2013 (24 years 8 months) Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC
Assisted 408 Parents in the recovery of their Missing Children, through Child Find Alberta (1989 – 2008) and Team Hope of the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (2003-2013).
Helped build a Computer Lab at the High School in KwaZulu-Natal Province, Bhekulwandle South Africa.
Centre Street Church Mission
Went to the Gulf of Mexico and assisted in the recovery of 70 Hurricane Katrina ravaged homes with Samaritans Purse Canada.
Also a Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplain
RCACS ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADET SQUADRON’S 604, 52, 781, 538 Voluteer and Parent Advisory Commitees.
The Hanger – As a Guide and Greeter, Air Show Events.
Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE: Currently helping young female singers reach their goals as professional acts and for Free.
Sir Richard/Mzikayifani (My Zulu name for homesteads are different)
With Love and all that heaven will allow!