For I Forget NOT, as the nightmares did NOT return.
22 years after my youngest daughter was Abducted (today) and Recovered (August 10th 1989).
As it’s hard to decide where I should start and at the same time, it is very easy for it’s all there.
All the memories, the pain, the fear, the stress are all just a simple recalled flashback away.
The moment from a time long ago, when my world was turned upside down and my child abducted.
In hindsight, because of nothing more than another persons whim, of control over me.
So they could say, look at what I can do to you and you can not stop me!
Even though it is now long ago, during a time when my dreams become reality and my reality would seem to become dreams.
To this day I am haunted, as it plays back in my dreams, this haunting is from non the less, than a smile.
A smile from the last time that I saw this person of now 22 years ago, as she walked out of Court.
Walking past me, that smile which said, I am free, unpunished and a I am feeling all powerful, as my twisted mission for you is accomplished.
For you can not stop me and just wait and see what I will do to you next...
Every night or every other night, this smile comes back into my thoughts, via my dreams.
It starts out simple enough at times, I am with my current wife, or any woman, doing some activity together.
This could be anything from doing supper dishes to attending an event but then it goes all wrong.
Things and reality twists like a very bad "Alice in Wonderland", then the kind person that I am with, becomes that evil.
Doing tormenting things that were done to me 22 years ago and just as I start to wonder why, once again the smile appears.
She has just morphed herself back, into my life and again with that smile.
Now Evil knows me well and plays on this event of the past to haunt me and torture me.
It's not really the past but present events, that actually bother me today.
Especially if feel I have no control over today's event, then the one event that I really truly could not control.
Comes back to basically say, hey your nothing, your hopeless and helpless and I am all powerful!
Not so Satan, as a good friend recently reminded me, that I can re-wire my daily thinking.
That I must keep in mind that this smile that is worn by that person, should be more pitied and not feared.
As I must use my strong belief in the Lord, which is very strong, to say to that smile.
In fact you are "NOT", to be feared but pitied and hence, evil looses once again!
So this is how to remove a "SMILE", that was evil from my haunted 22 year old dreams...
For I am a slave to you no more.
Written by
Sir Richard...