Remember as a kid, the feeling of daring yourself to walk across a dark room? In a way you were excited because you know, you really do know, that there's nothing there to hurt you. Some people get to choose their dark rooms. They get to look for places where the fear is only skin-deep but some people are nowhere near that lucky, as sadly the choice is made for them. I have never known what to say to parents and family of murdered loved ones. The only thing that I can think of, is to offer them my prayers so that they and their families are given strength as well as comfort during such a difficult time. While they walk through their dark rooms, not of their own choosing. To those who have lost so much. With Love,
I can hear the neighbors They're arguing' again And there hasn't been peace on our street Since who knows when I don't mean to listen in But the shouting' is so loud I turn up the radio to drown it out And silently I say a little prayer
But for the grace of God go I I must've been born a lucky guy Heaven only knows how I've been blessed With the gift of your love And I look around and all I see Is your happiness embracing me Oh Lord I'd be lost But for the grace of God
I can see that old man He's walking past our door And I've been told that he's rich But he seems so poor, yes he does 'Cause no one comes to call on him And his phone it never rings He wanders through his empty home Surrounded by his things And silently I say, I say a little prayer, yes I do
But for the grace of God go I I must've been born a lucky guy Heaven only knows how I've been blessed With the gift of your love And I look around and all I see Is your happiness embracing me Oh Lord I'd be lost But for the grace of God
Oh and I look around and all that I see Is your happiness embracing me Oh Lord I'd be lost But for the grace of God Oh Lord I'd be lost But for the grace of God I'd be lost... - By Keith Urban
Remember: "That the will of God will never take you, where the Grace of God will not protect you"
P.S. yes we in Canada know that Arlo Guthrie was born in the USofA. Sorry, as I can not explain delusional Canadians, it's all still Groovy though, dig?
Your life is a series of many doors, each leading into different rooms. All are filled with, either new challenges, good or bad and you may find many pleasant surprises.
It is how you open each door that is important! First, never fear to go forward. Second, open each door slowly to making sure that you do not barge into or harm what is on the other side.
Third, announce your passage, as this will enable you to befriend many. For you will need to live with whom ever you come across. As you travel onto and through, your life’s next door.
Remember sadly, at times we all carry our children home but when that happens, that they gave totally of themselves, so all could one day sleep easy every night.
May God bless all our serving men and women. Sincerely, Sir Richard...
Richard Abbenbroek Volunteers At:
Centre Street Church, Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC, Samaritans Purse Canada, RCACS, The Hanger, Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE
May 1989 – December 2013 (24 years 8 months) Child Find Alberta, Team Hope NCMEC
Assisted 408 Parents in the recovery of their Missing Children, through Child Find Alberta (1989 – 2008) and Team Hope of the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (2003-2013).
Helped build a Computer Lab at the High School in KwaZulu-Natal Province, Bhekulwandle South Africa.
Centre Street Church Mission
Went to the Gulf of Mexico and assisted in the recovery of 70 Hurricane Katrina ravaged homes with Samaritans Purse Canada.
Also a Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplain
RCACS ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADET SQUADRON’S 604, 52, 781, 538 Voluteer and Parent Advisory Commitees.
The Hanger – As a Guide and Greeter, Air Show Events.
Sir Richards Music Promotions FREE: Currently helping young female singers reach their goals as professional acts and for Free.
Sir Richard/Mzikayifani (My Zulu name for homesteads are different)
With Love and all that heaven will allow!