Sunday, October 14, 2012


Local colon cancer symptoms affect your bathroom habits and the colon itself. Some of the more common local symptoms of colon cancer include:
Changes in your bowel habits, such as bowel movements that are either more or less frequent than normal
Constipation (difficulty having a bowel movement or straining to have a bowel movement)
Diarrhea (loose or watery stools)
Intermittent (alternating) constipation and diarrhea
Bright red or dark red blood in your stools or black, dark colored, "tarry" stools
Stools that are thinner than normal ("pencil stools") or feeling as if you cannot empty your bowels completely!
Much abdominal (mid section) discomfort, bloating, frequent gas pains, or cramps
If you experience any of these for two or more weeks, call your doctor right away!
Prostate cancer may not cause any signs or symptoms, especially in the early stages. It may be found when you’ve had a PSA test but these are not conclusive or digital rectal examination (then your relying on an opinion), for the best test is a cell biopsy and I want this as I am tired of opinions!
The PSA blood test is often done to screen men for prostate cancer. Because of PSA testing, most prostate cancers are now found before they cause any symptoms. Though these are also inconclusive, a biopsy may be needed to confirm your enlarged prostrate to examine any Cancer cell growth.
The symptoms listed below can occur with prostate cancer, usually at a late stage. These symptoms can also be caused by other prostate problems:
-Delayed or slowed start of urinary stream.
-Dribbling or leakage of urine, most often after urinating, like a garden hose as it is being shut off!
-Slow urinary stream.
-Straining when urinating, or not being able to empty out all of the urine.
-Blood in the urine or semen
-Bone pain or tenderness, most often in the lower back and pelvic bones (only when the cancer has spread) and sadly your dead.
The chest pain from Prinzmetal's angina often has the following characteristics:
-Located under the chest bone.
-Described as squeezing, constricting, tightness, pressure, or crushing, which is usually severe and may radiate to the neck, jaw, shoulder, or arm.
-Often occurs at rest.
-May occur at the same time each day, usually between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 AM but everyone is different.
-Lasts from 5 to 30 minutes of terror!
-Relieved by 1 or 2 nitroglycerin spays
- Can cause fainting or loss of consciousness, heart attack or stroke!
- What causes coronary spasms? It is not known exactly what causes coronary spasms. They may be due to problems with the thin lining of the blood vessels called the endothelium. Usually the artery lining produces a chemical (nitric oxide) that widens the blood vessel allowing blood to flow through with ease. If the artery lining is damaged or isn't working properly, the blood vessels may narrow more easily, which may cause a coronary spasm. Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in these patients.
-Blurred vision
-Frequent skin, gum or urinary tract infections.
-Itching of skin or genitals.
-Slow healing cuts and bruises.
-Tingling or numbness in legs, feet, fingers-
-Retina Complications From Diabetes. I now have a cataract in my left eye.
Patients with diabetes have higher death rates than people who do not have diabetes regardless of sex, age, or other factors. Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in these patients. All lifestyle and medical efforts should be made to reduce the risk for these conditions.
People with type 2 diabetes are also at risk for nerve damage (neuropathy) and abnormalities in both small and large blood vessels (vascular injuries) that occur as part of the diabetic disease process. Such abnormalities produce complications over time in many organs and structures in the body. Although these complications tend to be more serious in type 1 diabetes, they still are of concern in type 2 diabetes. Most people with diabetes should aim for fasting blood glucose levels of less than 110 mg/dL and hemoglobin HbA1C of less than 7%.
There are two important approaches to preventing complications from diabetes:
Intensive control of blood glucose and keeping glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels below 7%. Tight blood glucose and HbA1c control can help prevent complications due to vascular (blood vessel) abnormalities and nerve damage (neuropathy) that can cause major damage to organs, including the eyes, kidneys, and possibly the heart.
Managing risk factors for heart disease. Control of blood glucose also helps the heart, but its benefits occur over time. It is very important that people with diabetes control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other factors associated with heart disease.
There is an association between high blood pressure (hypertension), unhealthy cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Some research suggests that high LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels, low LDL (“good” cholesterol) levels, and high triglyceride levels may interfere with insulin regulation. Hypertension is more common in patients with diabetes than those without the condition.
People with diabetes are more likely than non-diabetics to have heart problems, and to die from heart complications. Heart attacks account for 60% and strokes for 25% of deaths in patients with diabetes. Diabetes affects the heart in many ways:
Both type 1 and 2 diabetes speed the progression of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Diabetes is often associated with low HDL ("good" cholesterol) and high triglycerides. This can lead to coronary artery disease, heart attack, or stroke.
Impaired nerve function (neuropathy) associated with diabetes also causes heart abnormalities.
Women with diabetes are at particularly high risk for heart problems and death from heart disease and overall causes.
Kidney disease (nephropathy) is a very serious complication of diabetes. With this condition, the tiny filters in the kidney (called glomeruli) become damaged and leak protein into the urine. Over time, this can lead to kidney failure. Urine tests showing microalbuminuria (small amounts of protein in the urine) are important markers for kidney damage.
Diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), occurs in about 20 - 40% of patients with diabetes. If the kidneys fail, dialysis is required. Symptoms of kidney failure may include swelling in the feet and ankles, itching, fatigue, and pale skin color.
Click the icon to see an image of the pancreas and kidneys.
Diabetes reduces or distorts nerve function, causing a condition called neuropathy. Neuropathy refers to a group of disorders that affect nerves. The two main types of neuropathy are:
Peripheral (affects nerves in the toes, feet, legs, hand, and arms)
Autonomic (affects nerves that help regulate digestive, bowel, bladder, heart, and sexual function)
Peripheral neuropathy particularly affects sensation. It is a common complication that affects nearly half of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes after 25 years. The most serious consequences of neuropathy occur in the legs and feet and pose a risk for ulcers and, in unusually severe cases, amputation. Peripheral neuropathy usually starts in the fingers and toes and moves up to the arms and legs (called a stocking-glove distribution). Symptoms include:
-Burning sensations.
-Loss of the sense of warm or cold.
-Numbness (if the nerves are severely damaged, the patient may be unaware that a blister or minor wound has become infected).
-Deep pain.
-Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting).
-Bladder infections and incontinence.
-Erectile dysfunction (WHO CARES?)
-Heart problems. Neuropathy may mask angina, the warning chest pain for heart disease and heart attack. Patients with diabetes should be aware of other warning signs of a heart attack, including sudden fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting.
-Rapid heart rates this feels nice actually like butterflies in your chest!
-Lightheadedness when standing up (orthostatic hypotension).
Blood sugar control is an essential component in the treatment of neuropathy. Studies show that tight control of blood glucose levels delays the onset and slows progression of neuropathy. Heart disease risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing neuropathy. Lowering triglycerides, losing weight, reducing blood pressure, and quitting smoking may help prevent the onset of neuropathy.
About 15% of patients with diabetes have serious foot problems. They are the leading cause of hospitalizations for these patients.
Diabetes is responsible for more than half of all lower limb amputations performed in the U.S. Each year there are about 88,000 non-injury amputations, 50 - 75% of them due to diabetes. About 85% of amputations start with foot ulcers, which develop in about 12% of people with diabetes.
Those most at risk are people with a long history of diabetes, and people with diabetes who are overweight or who smoke. People who have the disease for more than 20 years and are insulin-dependent are at the highest risk. Related conditions that put people at risk include peripheral neuropathy, peripheral artery disease, foot deformities, and a history of ulcers.
In general, foot ulcers develop from infections, such as those resulting from blood vessel injury. Foot infections often develop from injuries, which can dramatically increase the risk for amputation. Even minor infections can develop into severe complications. Numbness from nerve damage, which is common in diabetes, compounds the danger since the patient may not be aware of injuries. About one-third of foot ulcers occur on the big toe.
Charcot Foot. Charcot foot or Charcot joint (medically referred to as neuropathic arthropathy) occurs in up to 2.5% of people with diabetes. Early changes appear similar to an infection, with the foot becoming swollen, red, and warm. Gradually, the affected foot can become deformed. The bones may crack, splinter, and erode, and the joints may shift, change shape, and become unstable. It typically develops in people who have neuropathy to the extent that they cannot feel sensation in the foot and are not aware of an existing injury. Instead of resting an injured foot or seeking medical help, the patient often continues normal activity, causing further damage.
Charcot foot is initially treated with strict immobilization of the foot and ankle; some centers use a cast that allows the patient to move and still protects the foot. When the acute phase has passed, patients usually need lifelong protection of the foot using a brace initially and custom footwear.
This information is about peripheral neuropathy (also called neuropathy) in cancer. Peripheral neuropathy is a term used to describe damage to nerves that are outside the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves).
Peripheral neuropathy is not one specific disease. Many different conditions that can damage the peripheral nerves can cause it.
This information is about cancer-related causes of peripheral neuropathy, and mainly neuropathy caused by anti-cancer drugs.
The nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord and a network of nerves that thread throughout the body. It has two main parts:
-the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain and spinal cord
-the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is made up of nerves that carry messages between the brain, the spinal cord and the rest of the body.
Nerves carry nerve impulses back and forth between the body and the brain. They are made up of nerve cells called neurons. Some neurons are very small, but others can be up to one metre (three feet) long. When a nerve ending is stimulated - for example, by heat, touch or vibration - it creates a tiny electrical pulse. This sends a signal along the nerve cell.
When it reaches the end of the cell, the signal triggers the release of chemicals. These carry the signal to the next nerve cell. In this way, messages can be sent from nerves anywhere in the body to the spinal cord and then up to the brain. When a nerve ending is stimulated, for example by heat, touch, or sound vibrations, it creates a tiny electrical pulse. This sends a signal along the nerve cell.
When it reaches the end of the cell, the signal triggers the release of chemicals. These carry the signal to the next nerve cell. In this way, messages can be sent from nerves anywhere in the body to the spinal cord and then up to the brain.
There are different types of nerves:
-Motor nerves.
These carry messages from the brain to the muscles. When a muscle receives a message, it reacts with a movement. Messages can be sent from the brain to any part of the body.
-Sensory nerves.
These carry messages from the body to the brain. These nerves have endings (receptors) that are sensitive to sensations such as pain, temperature, touch and vibration. They enable us to feel different sensations.
Although we are not aware of it, our brain is constantly receiving messages from sensory nerves throughout our body. These messages tell our brain where each part of our body is and are important for balance, coordination and walking.
-Autonomic nerves.
These carry messages back and forth between internal organs and the brain. They control the actions of muscles that aren’t under our voluntary control. They are responsible for maintaining our blood pressure and heart rate.
Autonomic nerves also control both the rate at which food passes through our digestive tract (stomach and bowel) and how the bladder works.
There are several ways in which cancer and treatments for cancer can cause peripheral neuropathy:
Some anti-cancer drugs can cause nerve damage. This is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy in people with cancer.
Cancer can cause peripheral neuropathy in one area of the body if the tumour is growing close to a nerve and presses on it.
Surgery may damage nerves and cause symptoms in the affected area; for example, numbness or tingling and pain in the arm after breast cancer surgery.
Rarely, radiotherapy may damage nerves within the treated area, causing symptoms such as numbness and weakness. These may develop months or years after treatment.
Occasionally in some types of cancer, the body makes substances that damage peripheral nerves. This is called Para neoplastic peripheral neuropathy. It most commonly occurs in people lung cancer, lymphoma  or myeloma.
The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy vary depending on which nerves are affected. Anti-cancer drugs that cause nerve damage are most likely to affect sensory nerves, but some can also affect the motor nerves and the autonomic nerves.
Peripheral neuropathy often affects the hands, feet and lower legs. This is because the longer a nerve is, the more vulnerable it is to injury. Nerves going to the hands, feet and lower legs are some of the longest in the body.
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are usually mild to begin with and gradually get worse. Mine went from worse to even more as now I satay awake all night long and I am out of breath, spent and sleeping pills help not!
-A change in sensation. You may have a feeling of heaviness, burning or pins and needles in the affected area. Alternatively, you may notice unusual sensations, such as a feeling of warmth or burning when touching something cold and this I have!
-Increased sensitivity. You may find that even the lightest touch or pressure in the affected area feels uncomfortable or painful. Again this is me.
-Pain. This can be mild or more severe. The pain may be felt as sharp and stabbing or as a burning sensation, etc.
There are many different symptoms that can indicate the presence of diverticular disease. Stomach pain is one of them. The pain may be intermittent and usually occurs around the lower left hand side of the abdominal area and in many cases the pain shows up after eating, but may then go away after the sufferer has been to the toilet or released wind.
Other symptoms of diverticular disease include:
-A change in the normal bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhea.
-Bleeding from the rectum.
The main symptom of diverticulitis is a constant, severe pain that usually begins just below the belly button and then moves to the lower left hand side of the abdomen. Due to genetic differences, however, Asian sufferers often develop diverticula in a different area of the colon and so, in their case, the pain may move down to the lower right hand side of the colon instead.
Other symptoms of diverticulitis include:
-High temperature ( 38ÂșC or over ).
-Bleeding from the rectum.
-Frequent need to urinate.
-Pain when urinating.
-Causes of Diverticular Disease.
 Cases of diverticular disease are much rarer in vegetarians and in part of the world where people tend to have an above average amount of fiber in their diets. Because of this many doctors believe that the cause of the disease may be bad diet and that eating too much read meat and not enough fruit and vegetables could be a primary cause of the disease.
Complications of Diverticular Disease
 Perhaps one of the most frightening symptoms of diverticular disease is the presence of blood in the feces. Blood from the lower intestines will probably retain its red color and so there will be little doubt of its presence, but when the bleeding is higher up in the digestive system it will take on a black, tar-like look.
Scar tissue can also form around one or more of the inflamed diverticula. This can lead to narrowing of the bowel which can cause blockages.
In the worst cases, where verticula burst, the lining of the bowel may become swollen an inflamed (peritonitis) and when this happens emergency surgery may be required.
Stages of Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma Stage III
In stage III, the tumor is either:
high-grade (likely to grow and spread quickly), larger than 5 centimeters, and either superficial (in subcutaneous tissue with no spread into connective tissue or muscle below) or deep (in the muscle and may be in connective or subcutaneous tissue); or
any grade, any size, and has spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage III cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes is advanced stage III.
Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treatment (PDQ®)
-After adult soft tissue sarcoma has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the soft tissue or to other parts of the body.
-There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body.
-The following stages are used for adult soft tissue sarcoma:
-Stage I
-Stage II
-Stage III = Richard at this moment
-Stage IV
After adult soft tissue sarcoma has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the soft tissue or to other parts of the body.
The process used to find out if cancer has spread within the soft tissue or to other parts of the body is called staging. Staging of soft tissue sarcoma is also based on the grade and size of the tumor, whether it is superficial (close to the skin's surface) or deep, and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. The information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment.
The following tests and procedures may be used in the staging process:
Physical exam and history: An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patient’s health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.
Chest x-ray: An x-ray of the organs and bones inside the chest. An x-ray is a type of energy beam that can go through the body and onto film, making a picture of areas inside the body.
Blood chemistry studies: A procedure in which a blood sample is checked to measure the amounts of certain substances released into the blood by organs and tissues in the body. An unusual (higher or lower than normal) amount of a substance can be a sign of disease in the organ or tissue that makes it.
Complete blood count (CBC): A procedure in which a sample of blood is drawn and checked for the following:
The number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
The amount of hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in the red blood cells.
The portion of the blood sample made up of red blood cells.
CT scan (CAT scan): A procedure that makes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside of the body, such as the lung and abdomen, taken from different angles. The pictures are made by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. A dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show up more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computerized tomography, or computerized axial tomography.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to make a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI).
PET scan (positron emission tomography scan): A procedure to find malignant tumor cells in the body. A small amount of radioactive glucose (sugar) is injected into a vein. The PET scanner rotates around the body and makes a picture of where glucose is being used in the body. Malignant tumor cells show up brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up more glucose than normal cells do.
The results of these tests are viewed together with the results of the tumor biopsy to find out the stage of the soft tissue sarcoma before treatment is given. Sometimes chemotherapy or radiation therapy is given as the initial treatment and afterwards the soft tissue sarcoma is staged again.
There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body.
The three ways that cancer spreads in the body are:
Through tissue. Cancer invades the surrounding normal tissue.
Through the lymph system. Cancer invades the lymph system and travels through the lymph vessels to other places in the body.
Through the blood. Cancer invades the veins and capillaries and travels through the blood to other places in the body.
When cancer cells break away from the primary (original) tumor and travel through the lymph or blood to other places in the body, another (secondary) tumor may form. This process is called metastasis. The secondary (metastatic) tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the bones, the cancer cells in the bones are actually breast cancer cells. The disease is metastatic breast cancer, not bone cancer.
The following stages are used for adult soft tissue sarcoma, the larget one is Richards size:
Recurrent Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma:
Recurrent adult soft tissue sarcoma is cancer that has recurred (come back) after it has been treated. The cancer may come back in the same soft tissue or in other parts of the body. So I am still at War with this disease and one of us will win and if I do not then I visit GOD!
Groin Pain After Hernia Repair

Pain persisting beyond the first few days after groin hernia repair is recognized to affect small numbers of patients, generally estimated to be 10–15% of hernias repaired. In nearly all of these patients, the pain subsides postoperatively over the early months. Chronic, disabling pain persisting at and beyond 1 year is thought to be real but rare, affecting less than 1% of patients undergoing inguino-femoral hernia repair. Indeed, Devlin indicates that every year “some 400,000 inguinal hernias are repaired, and yet even the biggest series of reports of pain after inguino-femoral hernia repair from the United States are of only 17 or 23 cases. Therefore, this must be a remote hazard… .”
Severe chronic pain following hernia repair is usually due to ischemia or to neuropathy. Ischemia induced in musculofascial tissues by a repair done under tension is the most common cause of undue postoperative pain. In this situation, the sutures slowly cut through the tissues, relieving the pain but setting the stage for recurrence. The other major cause of ischemia-induced pain is tight closure of either the deep or superficial inguinal ring during repair. Most often, ischemia in the ring is partly due to edema following operative dissection, and resorption of edema postoperatively leads to gradual resolution of pain; rarely does testicular atrophy supervene.
Neuropathy is widely recognized as a cause of chronic postoperative pain. It can be induced by nerve trauma during dissection, neuroma formation after partial or complete transection, entrapment by sutures, or by postoperative adhesions. The implantation of mesh, which induces scar formation through increased inflammation, also has been suggested as a cause of neuropathic pain.
More than a decade ago it was true that chronic disabling pain was rare after hernia repair. It is also true that the reported incidence of this problem has been increasing in recent years, 3 although the reasons for this change are not entirely settled. It is important to know the true incidence of chronic, disabling pain after hernia repair so that patients can make an informed choice of whether or not to undergo repair, and so they can receive an acceptable informed consent. Generally, problems with an incidence of less than 1% are thought not to need specific mention in discussing with patients the potential complications of an operation.
When you have Cancer you find out quickly, all who really Love You.
Yet at the same time there are those who surprise you, because they do not.
Bask in the ones who do Love You, for they are blessings whom will always help you through.
Forgive the ones, who do not, as they are but wheat chaff to be scattered in the wind…
Also, Cancer Battles are very lonely for they are just like a really scary Roller Coaster ride, that has you the lone rider, of which you are totally terrified on!
To date in regards with my Cancer Battle, I am tenaciously holding my ground.
My Faith though battered, seems like the Biblical reading from the Son;
Acts 9:16 “I will show him how much he must suffer in My name”.
So, until I find myself “Many Years Cancer Free” my Cancer Battle goes on and on,
For as always, “His will be done.”
To those who Love me – Thank You!
Sincerely, with Love sent back to you – from Sir Richard…

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